THE BIG BOX OF BLACK BOOKS: Metalion, Only Death Is Real, Swedish Death Metal, Choosing Death Book Set
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DEATH & DEATH: Swedish Death Metal / Choosing Death Death-luxe Set
Save15.3%Save $9.95Only$54.95$64.90Original price was: $64.90.$54.95Current price is: $54.95.In praise of death metal, we present this handy 6 lbs. (2.666 kg) set of mandatory deathly histories written by Bazillion Points authors Daniel Ekeroth and Albert Mudrian. Book 1: SWEDISH DEATH METAL, by Daniel Ekeroth The ultimate blow-by-blow account of Sweden’s legendary death metal underground. • ISBN 9780979616310 • 450 densely-illustrated pages • Heavy-duty 130gsm paper • Extensive 300pp history…
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OZZY & GEEZER BOOK SET: The Sabbath Symposium
Save52%Save $39.00Only$35.95$74.95Original price was: $74.95.$35.95Current price is: $35.95.What is this that stands before us? A giant Ozzy Osbourne photo book, and Geezer Butler’s life story in his own words, two pieces to the eternal puzzle at more than 50% discount to tide you over while we continue to work on our own new books… BOOK #1: OZZY AT 75: The Unofficial Illustrated History (deluxe hardcover) Not Our…
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PACIFIC NW PACK: Bruce Pavitt’s Sub Pop USA & Experiencing Nirvana
Save42.8%Save $29.95Only$39.95$69.90Original price was: $69.90.$39.95Current price is: $39.95.“Few people can lay claim to starting a rock ‘n’ roll revolution, but Sub Pop Records founder Bruce Pavitt can do just that.”—Paper Mag
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THE ‘CORE CURRICULUM 2024: Six Essential Hardcore Punk Histories Book Set
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The AC/DC ABCs: Mark Evans & Brian Johnson Memoir Set
Save50%Save $24.99Only$24.95$49.94Original price was: $49.94.$24.95Current price is: $24.95.BOOK #1: DIRTY DEEDS: My Life Inside/Outside of AC/DC, by Mark Evans (deluxe softcover) One day in 1975, 19-year-old Aussie rocker Mark Evans walked into a local bar to check out a band. His life would never be the same… ISBN 978-1-935950-04-2 • Deluxe 288pp illustrated softcover inc. 16pp color insert • Dimensions: 6.5″ x 9″ x .75″ (165mm x…
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THE BRITISH METAL BUNDLE: Denim and Leather & Bruce Dickinson Set
Save37.5%Save $17.99Only$29.95$47.94Original price was: $47.94.$29.95Current price is: $29.95.In honor of British heavy metal, we present this set of royal reading by celebrated author Michael Hann and Iron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson. Book 1: DENIM AND LEATHER: The Rise and Fall of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, by Michael Hann The ultimate first-hand document of the British explosion that first defined heavy metal for America. ROLLING STONE,…
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THE SILVER SCREAM SHOCK BOX: Heavy Metal Movies, Teen Movie Hell, Swedish Sensationsfilms Book Set
Save41.1%Save $34.90Only$49.95$84.85Original price was: $84.85.$49.95Current price is: $49.95.*** Nearly 1,300 pages devoted to a century of forbidden cinematic history, jammed with barbarians, bikinis, and lingonberry Westerns, detailing enough over-the-top movie mayhem for over five years of nightly screenings—for viewers who dare. *** This is a hefty 7 lbs. (3.2 kg) collection of eye-blasting reading material from Bazillion Points, collecting three of the most ripe and ridiculously revelatory film…
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